Monday, January 28, 2013

My Top 5 Most Disliked Teams in Sports

Please comment on who I left off and why they should be on the list.

5. New Orleans Pelicans. The appearing of this team is 100% the owners fault. You already have a lousy team that your franchise player couldn't get away from fast enough and now this? Pelicans? Really? College teams get a pass for stupid names (Banana Slugs, Dirtbags, Fighting Okra, etc.) but you should know better. Fan #1 "What's your mascot again?" Fan #2 "Uh, a big dumb looking bird that can hold a bunch on water in it's over sized beak." Fan #1 "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Way to make your team even more of a laughing stock Tom Benson.

4. Dallas Mavericks. Now that Jason Terry left they are a little more palatable for me but the Mark Cuban, Dirk Nowitzki, Rick Carlisle triumvirate is too much for me to get past.

3. Dallas Cowboys. I'm glad Tony Romo is their quarterback. Anyone who calls themselves "America's Team" for no apparent reason is open for extreme criticism. You are not my team Dallas. Screw you for having the audacity to try and force yourself on me.

2. New York Yankees. The same basic premise runs through several teams. Use the other teams as MLB scout teams, then overpay for all the talent so you win. Yankees are number one on this list of offenders as they are the only one that overpays for everyone (anyone remember Kevin Brown, yeah i thought not) and wins. How sweet it is to watch these teams fail though! Pretty much the only reason 
Dis-Honorable Mention: Red Sox, Angles, Dodgers, Marlins(weak not even one full season attempt), Blue Jays (good luck in 2013 as you clearly didn't learn from the Marlins demise and I hope you beat the Yankees at their own game).

1. THE SPORT OF SOCCER. I can barely force myself to pay attention during the World Cup. My patriotic side is all that brings soccer to my attention. This sport has all the bad elements of every sport and none of the redeeming values that make me want to give a crap. Low scoring, few select teams buying all he good players, flopping, insane fans and ESPN trying to force me into caring. Any sport where a guy can writhe around on the ground after being phantom kicked by an opponent simply to try and get a free kick and hopefully get your opponent kicked out of the game and then get up after the call has been made and go back to running around has little to no credibility with me. Even the NBA has addressed this issue by fining players for flopping. I wouldn't mind going to a local teams game at some point as I try to keep an open mind about everything and give everything a shot more than once as you never know when someone is just having an off day. However, I'm not holding my breath. I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that in middle school I got moved down to the kindergarten and 1st grade team and still sucked....

Other teams that didn't quite make the cut...

Los Angles Clippers. Please be good at something other than dunking. 
Utah Jazz. Malone's elbows and Stockton's hands = HOF of dirty players
The sport of hockey. Could a sport possibly give less of a crap about their fans?
NFC West. Can't stand any team in my own team's (in the one sport where my team is competitive) division.


  1. Miami Heat - Bought a championship. Enough said.

    1. So basically they are the Yankees of the NBA. I can respect that opinion. Add them to the DIS-Honorable mention list!
