Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What you can expect from this blog...

Hello fellow Crowlandites!

Finally after much anticipation and delay because I'm lazy and because I'm currently recovering from foot surgery so I have nothing else better to do...let the blogging begin!

I know I'm already going to have 3 followers (thanks mom and dad!) so I'm pretty excited about getting this blog going. This is a blog for the little people. The people who's teams are farm systems for the real teams in MLB. You know, like the Yankees, Red Sox, Dodgers and Angels (Shut up Blue Jays! You haven't proven anything yet. I predict you are this year's Miami Marlins). I hear Oakland fans out there saying "But Crowland! Moneyball works!" To that I say "PSSSSHHHHAW". I guess if you call making the playing once every 15 years and then getting ousted in the first round a success than congratulations! I'm sure Billy Beane (and his family) appreciates you naivety. Anyhoo, I digress. This is a blog for the little people, by the little people (actually I'm close enough to 6' that I consider myself actually 6' tall and I'm slightly over 200 lbs so I guess I'm not really a "little person". I would hate to get an irate email from Vince Troyer denouncing my newly claimed status as BLOGMASTER OF THE UNIVERSE and lose my little people following.) for the little people. The fan who is tired of watching their team lose year after year not because of there own fault,unless Bill Bavasi has anything to do with your team. If he does, RUN and run fast to the cheering section of your next favorite team. He will destroy your team from the inside out. In fact, anyone out there have his address? I have a 24 pack of eggs waiting for his fat shiny bald head. Adam Jones and Greg Sherill for Eric Bedard? Really Bavasi? REALLY???

Man I digress alot. I'm not really sure if I'm even really using that correctly. I know its different from disect. That's what Bavasi will do to your team if he gets near it. Oh wait no. That's DESTROY IT FOR THE NEXT 10 YEARS!

1 comment:

  1. I'm following. This is the most anticipated release since that 8th Harry Potter book.
